555 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation - The Universal Heart of God I Am Watch Preview


555 I Am Presence Light Codes – The Universal Heart of God I Am

Universal Heart Zero Point Galactic Activation

Two Hour Zoom Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek 


Join us beloved hearts in this 555 I Am Presence Light Code Activation – The Universal Heart of God I Am, as we expand into our Universal Heart and Zero Point multidimensionally through the Overlighting and embodiment of our Beloved I Am Presence, and the Company of Heaven.


As we connect through the Stargate of our Loving Heart, we are invited to experience the Universal Heart Zero Point Galactic Activation. With our heart’s wide open, our Universal Heart expresses in deepening levels of our Divinity in Soul embodiment, Consciousness expansion, and the transformation into our fifth dimensional Solar Crystalline Light Bodies, as we deepen into Zero Point, the infinite, eternal, ever-present Now moment.


 In this Universal Heart Zero Point Galactic Activation we start by activating the Stargate of our Loving Hearts by visualizing the Golden Sun and Flower of Life within our Loving Hearts. The Golden Sun represents Source Light, and the Flower of Life represents the building blocks of life and the fundamental aspects of space and time through which we expand into Zero Point.

As we expand our Loving Hearts and deepen into Zero Point, the Galactics come forward, in particular, the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light. Utilizing the Geometric Template of Zero Point, we experience the Universal Heart Zero Point Galactic Activation working with 12 New Earth Frequencies that activate at specific points along the body. At each point the Galactics activate the Zero Point Geometric Template of the Flower of Life and Vesica Pisces as a mini vortex, as we breathe in, hold the breath, and breathe out, with each pause of the breath taking us ever deeper into Zero Point, and amplified with beautiful Invocations.

Lastly, we create the Toroidal Field around our bodies and energy fields. The Toroidal Field is created through two counter-rotating or oscillating forces of energy which opens and expands the Portal of our Loving Hearts to Zero Point, and Divine Love, and at the center of this is to be found the Visica Pisces.


We then experience the Universal Heart Toroidal Field breath. This is a five-step powerful Toroidal breath utilizing the energy of the Flower of Life and Vesica Pisces as it extends from the base chakra to the Crown Chakra and takes us ever deeper into the Stillness of our Loving Heart’s as the Universal Heart of God We Are.


Join us today beloved hearts as the Universal Heart of God We Are as we deepen into Zero Point, where all is Love and Love is All There Is.

Replay video and audio recordings, with and without background music will be available.


2 Lessons

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