888 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation Watch Preview

888 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation – The Abundance of God I Am

Inner Tree of Life Abundance Attunements and Nervous System Reset

Beloved Hearts, our Universe is pouring its infinite abundance down onto us as we unlock the Codes of Abundance and Manifestation from deep within and step into the next level of our Divine Service as the Abundance of God We Are.

In this perfect Now moment, we are offered an opportunity to activate the Fruits of Abundance Consciousness through our Inner Tree of Life as we experience  the “888 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation”, for we are worthy and deserving and more as we expand our beautiful Light upon this sacred earth.

We are now collectively vibrating to the frequencies of New Earth and organic Christed timelines and to a choir of celestial voices from deep within, as we merge with and integrate many of our Higher Selves, multidimensional Selves and future Selves. This pathway of Soul embodiment expands with greater levels of grace and ease as our Higher Selves deepen into the body and our Consciousness expands beyond our body and into, and as, the Unified Field of Divine Love.

Additionally, as we experience the alchemical transformation of our physical bodies into our Quantum Light Bodies through the  infusion of Photonic Light that emits from our cells, it is our Rainbow Light Body that comes online. Our Rainbow Light Body, of dancing hues, celestial sonic frequencies and sacred geometries, awakens the codes of Abundance Consciousness within through our continuous merging with and alignment to our Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects as well as the continuous rebirthing and expansion of our Service work.

The Rainbow Light Body Codes are Abundance Codes which unlock from within through Photonic Light and our Open Hearts, and well as through our Pineal Gland activations, which additionally activates the rainbow crystals, initially through the Pineal Gland and cerebrospinal fluid.

We are coming to an end of the continuous clearing of the Seven Body Chakra System as our chakras start to align into One Unified Column of Light through our Purity, Innocence and Divinity. With this, we expand into the Tree of Life and 12 Body Chakra System, as well as bring online our Rainbow Light Body. This is also where instant Manifestation occurs according to our Light Quotient, through the ability to increase the "speed" at which particle matter takes actual form.

In this Masterclass we are offered the Inner Tree of Life Abundance Attunements. This frequency activation through the Overlighting of our Beloved I Am Presence uses the energy of sacred geometry, primarily the Golden Sun, representing Christ Consciousness, the Flower of Life, representing the Patterns of Perfection and the Inner Tree of Life, as it embeds within and around the body.

The Inner Tree of Life Abundance Attunements is a very powerful tool for Quantum Manifestations, as we expand our Rainbow Light Body through our Loving Hearts, Higher Minds and Spinal alignments, in which the Spine becomes the primary Quantum Operating System of our New Earth Bodies.

To fully create from within the Quantum Field of Abundance, we need to release, re-wire, re-code and break down old structures, false beliefs and judgments, particular around money and abundance consciousness, as well as reset our Central Nervous System.

With the cellular changes occurring for each one of us, and the downtime needed to re-code all from within, there are moments in which we may feel energetically oversensitive, overwhelmed and/or anxious. This is in part due to the sensory system and central nervous system re-wiring through the brain and spine and different body parts and organs, and for many an awakened Soul, an immense process to continually vibrate at the higher dimensional fields of Light.

As we create a Multidimensional Map and Divine Blueprint of Abundance Consciousness with the Overlighting and embodiment of our Beloved I Am Presence through the 888 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation and corresponding Attunements, we start with the Abundance Breath.

We end with a Wealth Code Prosperity Activation. We clear the lower chakras of all false beliefs and judgments and dissolve old programming as it related to Money and Wealth Consciousness to Manifest and bring into our Realities all that we need in each Now moment as the Abundance of God We Are.

Lastly we re-write the Universal Akasha to align through our Heart’s Joy, Passion and Service.

2 Lessons

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