999 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation - The Purity of God I Am Watch Preview

 999 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation 

The Purity of God I Am

Stargate Ray Attunements and Initiation into the Order of Melchizedek

Two Hour Zoom Video Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek


 Beloved hearts, as awakened Souls and the Purity of God We Are, we have the ability to experience the highest frequencies of New Earth, as we expand into our Original Innocence Template to experience our Heaven on Earth.


The Purity of our Soul within us expands through the Stargate of the Loving Heart and the Wisdom of the Higher Mind as the Three-Fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom activates through the Loving Heart, enabling us to Master all from within through our own Unified Field of Consciousness and Light.


As we activate the Stargates of our Loving Hearts we are offered an opportunity to experience the Inner Plane Ray Initiations of Light. With this, the Ray Councils of Light from Shamballa and the Archangels step forward as we activate our Angelic Wings and expand into new levels of our Purity, Divinity and Innocence within.


As awakened Souls and Initiates of Light, we are ready now for expanded Guardianship Roles, in Service to Mother Earth and all her Life, with the Plasma Light Rays and dancing Diamond Rainbow Light Body frequencies for a deepening flow of Grace and Ease. As our Stargate systems activate, new programs, Light codes and fields of Consciousness synchronize within our bodies to allow for an expansion of the Light Codes of Self-Mastery as well as interdimensional travel in our Merkaba Light Bodies into the higher dimensional fields of Light and we dream our New Earth Realities into being as the I Am Avatar Race.


To experience the Stargate Rays Attunements of Quantum Expansion, through the Overlighting of the Inner Plane Councils of Light, we initially activate the Stargate of our Loving Hearts, along with the Toroidal Field through the Inner Golden Sun Christed Sphere of the Loving Heart.


A Toroidal Field then activates, creating a donut shaped sphere within the center of this vortex and from and through the Golden Sun of the Loving Heart.


From here, the Stargate of our Loving Hearts ignites into the Six-Pointed Star of Melchizedek Consciousness. The vortices converge into Zero Point, holding the Plasma Light Ray Frequency Codes, as we elevate our Consciousness to experience the Stargate Ray Attunements through the ever-present Now moment, with particular qualities, colors, Light codes and the Overlighting of the related Masters and Archangels.


We further utilize the Light Technology of the Andara Concentric Rings Stargate Activator. As we experience each one of these twelve Stargate Ray Attunements, we will initially experience the Andara Concentric Rings Stargate Activator, an energetic tool comprising of two circles and an inner sphere which activates up and down the central column of the body and then through each one of the chakras in the related Ray colors, spinning them to the correct Fibonacci ratios.

This process creates mini vortices within each sub-atomic particle, spinning each cell in increased Light as well as clearing the density from within the body and anchoring the related Plasma Light Ray qualities as we expand the Stargate of the Loving Heart and deepen into Zero Point, the infinite, eternal ever-present Now moment.


These Twelve Stargate Ray Attunements experienced are the:

First Ray of Will and Power – Overlighted by Archangel Michael and the Masters from Shamballa, you attune to Divine Will and Power, integrating inner courage, inner power, leadership, and will to good in a beautiful Blue Flame.


Second Ray of Love-Wisdom – Overlighted by Archangel Chamuel and the Masters from Shamballa, you attune to Divine Love, integrating compassion, empathy, and Divine Love in a beautiful Pink Flame.


Third Ray of Divine Intelligence – Overlighted by Archangel Jophiel and the Masters from Shamballa, you attune to the Wisdom of the Higher Mind, expanding through the Light of God, with wisdom and non-judgment, and with the ability to resolve problems and map multidimensionally in a beautiful Golden Yellow Flame.


Fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict – Overlighted by Gabriel and the Masters from Shamballa, you attune to Harmony as you expand the Purity of God from within to embrace perceived challenges and change, for growth and transformation, in a beautiful Emerald Green Flame.


Fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge - Overlighted by Archangel Raphael and the Masters from Shamballa, you attune to this Ray of Science and Healing, deepening into Quantum Consciousness and Knowledge combined with the Compassion of the healer’s heart in a beautiful Orange Flame


Sixth Ray of Devotion and Idealism – Overlighted by Archangel Uriel and the Masters from Shamballa, you attune to this ray of Service in Love, Faith and Devotion to God in a beautiful Indigo Flame.


Seventh Ray of Ceremonial Magic – Overlighted by Zadkiel and the Masters from Shamballa, you attune to this ray of Transmutation and Purification through freedom, justice, mercy, alchemy and Divine Magic, and sacred rituals, in a beautiful Violet Flame


Eighth Ray of Transmutation – Overlighted by Archangel Sandalphon and the Masters from Shamballa, you attune to this ray of purification as the lower bodies rebalance through Gaia’s Light Grids and you deepen into New Earth timelines organically, in a beautiful energetic flow, wrapped in a Seafoam Green and Violet Flame.


Ninth Ray of Highest Potentials – Overlighted by Archangel Haniel and the Masters from Shamballa, you deepen into alignment with your Higher Selves as you expand the Joy and Passion of your Service work.


Tenth Ray of Divinity – Overlighted by Archangel Raguel, you experience the ability to heal your relationships, clear karmic timelines and amplify the Three-Fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom in a beautiful Pearlescent Flame.


Eleventh Ray of Illumined Truth and Love – Overlighted by Archangel Ariel and the Masters from Shamballa, you deepen into alignment with the realms of Illumined Truth and Love as the Higher Mind and Heart Wisdom synchronize in a beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Light.


Twelfth Ray of One Unity Consciousness – Overlighted by Archangel Metatron and the Masters from Shamballa, you deepen into Unity Consciousness in a beautiful Golden Flame of Light.


Lastly, you receive an Initiation into the Order of Melchizedek. As you activate your Diamond Light Body/Merkaba field you travel in Soul Consciousness into Melchizedek's Golden Chamber Ascension Seat through the Stargate of your Loving Heart as the Purity of God You Are.


Join us beloved heart in this beautiful Masterclass, with Attunements, Invocations and Affirmations and the ability to experience the Purity, Divinity and Innocence of your Soul Light from within.

2 Lessons

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