Arcturian Healing Chambers Attunement Mini Course

Arcturian Healing Chambers Attunement

Physical and Energetic Healing

With Anrita Melchizedek

The Arcturian Emissaries of the Light are higher dimensional Light Beings, advanced healing technicians and master healers, who have gifted us with many wonderful Spiritual tools and techniques, and now offer us the Arcturian Healing Chambers Attunements. These Healing Chambers are multidimensional multicolored energetic rectangular grids that activate around the body and energy field filled with Light encoded healing frequencies. These Healing Chambers are working directly on the body parts and organs as well as energetically through the etheric, emotional and mental bodies.

Each Mini Course Module has three course lessons

First Lesson

A beautiful Galactic Stargate of the Heart Attunement and Activation done in the form of an invocation and guided visualization plus a beautiful workbook with your Galactic Sacred Geometry Light encoded art, your written
invocations and prompts

Second Lesson

How to create your own Galactic Crystal Grids and Home Grids using your Galactic Stargate of the Heart Crystal Grid Templates. You will also receive the Galactic Crystal Grid Templates in Poster Size

Third Lesson

How to create your own amazing Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays


We have further created a set of beautiful labels for those of you guided to create your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays. Please note you do not need the spray labels for the course, but should you be interested in this, you can purchase the Alchemy Elixir Labels for $44 through this link -

We look greatly forward to having you join us. If you have any queries, please email us at or leave your comments on the Heights Platform. Welcome on-board.

3 Lessons

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Arcturian Healing Chambers Introduction and Transmission

Healing, Purification and Rejuvenation

Arcturian Healing Chambers Galactic Crystal Grid

Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

Arcturian Healing Chambers Alchemy Elixirs

Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays