Courses in this Program:

Lessons in FREE COURSE - Pleiadian Karmic Clearing & Forgiveness Attunement :

  1. 1 Pleiadian Karmic Clearing & Forgiveness Introduction and Transmission

    Objective: Forgiveness and releasing blame

  2. 2 Pleiadian Karmic Clearing & Forgiveness Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  3. 3 Pleiadian Karmic Clearing & Forgiveness Galactic Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

Lessons in Quantum Jumping and Timelines of Self Mastery:

  1. 1 Introduction

    Objective: Introduction

  2. 2 Masterclass

    Objective: Masterclass

Lessons in Quantum Light DNA Activation:

  1. 1 Introduction

    Objective: Masterclass Introduction

  2. 2 Masterclass

    Objective: Masterclass

Lessons in 111111 I Am Presence Light Code Activations – The Divine Love of God I Am:

  1. 1 Introduction

    Objective: Masterclass Introduction

  2. 2 Masterclass

    Objective: Masterclass

Lessons in 101010 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation – The Unity of God I Am:

  1. 1 Masterclass Introduction

    Objective: Masterclass Introduction

  2. 2 Masterclass

    Objective: Masterclass

Lessons in 999 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation - The Purity of God I Am:

  1. 1 Introduction

    Objective: Masterclass Introduction

  2. 2 Masterclass

    Objective: Masterclass

Lessons in 888 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation:

  1. 1 Introduction

    Objective: Masterclass Introduction

  2. 2 Masterclass

    Objective: Masterclass

Lessons in 777 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation:

  1. 1 Introduction

  2. 2 Masterclass

Lessons in 666 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation - The Power of God I Am:

  1. 1 Introduction

    Objective: Masterclass Introduction

  2. 2 Masterclass

    Objective: Masterclass

Lessons in 555 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation - The Universal Heart of God I Am:

  1. 1 Introduction

    Objective: Masterclass Introduction

  2. 2 Masterclass

    Objective: Masterclass

Lessons in 444 I Am Presence Light Code Activation - The Will of God I Am:

  1. 1 Introduction

    Objective: Masterclass Introduction

  2. 2 Masterclass

    Objective: Masterclass

Lessons in 333 I Am Presence Light Code Activation:

  1. 1 Introduction

  2. 2 Masterclass

    Objective: Masterclass

Lessons in Dragon Mother Golden Heart Wholeness Attunements:

  1. 1 Dragon Mother Golden Heart Wholeness Attunements

    Objective: Masterclass Introduction

  2. 2 Masterclass

    Objective: Masterclass

Lessons in Pleiadian Photonic Light Physical Body Upgrades:

  1. 1 Pleiadian Photonic Light Physical Body Upgrades Introduction

    Objective: Masterclass Introduction

  2. 2 Pleiadian Photonic Light Physical Body Upgrades Masterclass

    Objective: Masterclass

Lessons in Pleiadian Photonic Light Physical Body Upgrades Practitioner Training:

  1. 1 Pleiadian Photonic Light Physical Body Upgrades Introduction

    Objective: Masterclass Introduction

  2. 2 Pleiadian Photonic Light Physical Body Upgrades Masterclass

    Objective: Masterclass

  3. 3 Practitioner Training Pleiadian Photonic Light Physical Body Upgrades Wholeness Attunements

    Objective: Practitioner Training Masterclass

  4. 4 Quantum Rejuvenation Shield of Light

    Objective: Shield of Light Video

  5. 5 Practitioner Update Video

    Objective: Practitioner Update Video

Lessons in Galactic Activations :

  1. 1 Galactic Activations Masterclass Introduction

    Objective: Masterclass Introduction

  2. 2 Galactic Activations Masterclass

    Objective: Galactic Activations Masterclass

Lessons in Galactic Activations Practitioner Training:

  1. 1 Galactic Activations Practitioner Training Masterclass Introduction

    Objective: Masterclass Introduction

  2. 2 Galactic Activations Masterclass

    Objective: Galactic Activations Masterclass

  3. 3 Galactic Activations Practitioner Training

    Objective: Galactic Activations Practitoner Training

  4. 4 Galactic Guardianship Ungrade Transmission plus Q&A

    Objective: Galactic Guardianship Upgrade Transmission

Lessons in Divine Sophia Love Codes and the Lotus Throne:

  1. 1 Divine Sophia Love Codes and the Lotus Throne

    Objective: Introduction

  2. 2 Masterclass

    Objective: Masterclass

Lessons in The Birth of Christ Within and the Temple of Telos:

  1. 1 Birthing of the Christ Within and the Temple of Telos Introduction

    Objective: Introduction

  2. 2 Masterclass

    Objective: Masterclass

Lessons in Solar Crystalline Light Body and 12 Strand DNA Upgrade:

  1. 1 Andara Wholeness Activation Introduction

    Objective: Solar Crystalline Light Body & 12 Strand DNA Upgrade Introduction

  2. 2 Solar Crystalline Light Body and 12 Strand DNA Upgrade

    Objective: Solar Crystalline Light Body and 12 Strand DNA Upgrade Masterclass

Lessons in Angelic Diamond White Purity Andara Wholeness Activation:

  1. 1 Masterclass

    Objective: Masterclass

Lessons in Akashic Records Access and the Halls of Amenti Masterclass:

  1. 1 Introduction

    Objective: Introduction

  2. 2 Masterclass

    Objective: Masterclass

Lessons in Akashic Records Access and the Halls of Amenti Practitioner Training:

  1. 1 Introduction

    Objective: Introduction

  2. 2 Akashic Records Access and Halls of Amenti

    Objective: Masterclass

  3. 3 Practitioner Training Introduction

    Objective: Practitioner Training Introduction

  4. 4 Practitioner Training

    Objective: Video and Course Material

  5. 5 Bonus Items

    Objective: Bonus Items

  6. 6 Practitioner Update Video

    Objective: Energetic Update

Lessons in Cosmic Christ Consciousness Expansion and Cosmic Rays Actualization Masterclass:

  1. 1 Masterclass

    Objective: Masterclass

Lessons in Cosmic Christ Consciousness Expansion and Cosmic Rays Actualization Practitioner Training:

  1. 1 Masterclass

    Objective: Masterclass

  2. 2 Practitioner Training

    Objective: Practitioner Training

  3. 3 Bonus Items

    Objective: Bonus Items

  4. 4 Zoom Q&A August

    Objective: Energetic Update

Lessons in Galactic DNA Activation and Photonic Chambers of Light Masterclass:

  1. 1 New Earth Quantum Healing Activation Introduction

    Objective: Video Introduction

  2. 2 Galactic DNA Activation & Photonic Light Chambers

    Objective: Masterclass

Lessons in Galactic DNA Activation and Photonic Chambers of Light Practitioner Training:

  1. 1 Introduction

    Objective: Video Introduction

  2. 2 Masterclass

    Objective: Masterclass

  3. 3 Practitioner Training

    Objective: Practitioner Training

  4. 4 Downloads

    Objective: Downloads

  5. 5 Zoom Q&A August

    Objective: Energetic Update

Lessons in Light Body Upgrades and Ascension Seats Masterclass:

  1. 1 New Earth Quantum Healing Activations

    Objective: New Earth Quantum Healing Video Introduction

  2. 2 Light Body Upgrades & Ascension Seats

    Objective: Light Body Upgrades and Ascension Seats Masterclass

  3. 3 Zero Point and Three-Fold Flame Transmission

    Objective: Zero Point and Three-Fold Flame Transmission

Lessons in Light Body Upgrades and Ascension Seats Practitioner Training:

  1. 1 Masterclass

    Objective: Light Encoded Masterclass Energetic Transmission

  2. 2 Practitioner Training

    Objective: Stepping Up as a New Earth Guide

  3. 3 Bonus Items

    Objective: Bonus Items Download

  4. 4 Zoom Q&A August

    Objective: Energetic Update

Lessons in The Divinity Codes & The Starlight Temple of Isis Masterclass:

  1. 1 New Earth Quantum Healing Activations

    Objective: New Earth Quantum Healing Activation

  2. 2 New Earth Quantum Activation Video

    Objective: Masterclass

  3. 3 Divinity Codes Transmission

    Objective: Energetic Update and 222 Codes of Divinity

Lessons in The Divinity Codes & Starlight Temple of Isis Practitioner Training:

  1. 1 Masterclass

    Objective: Two Hour Masterclass

  2. 2 Practitioner Training

    Objective: How to offer your own one-on-one session

  3. 3 Bonus Items

    Objective: Bonus Items Download

  4. 4 Zoom Q&A August

    Objective: Energetic Update

Lessons in Galactic Stargate of the Heart Attunements Facilitators Course:

  1. 1 Pleiadian Karmic Clearing & Forgiveness Introduction and Meditation

    Objective: Forgiveness and releasing blame

  2. 2 Pleiadian Karmic Clearing & Forgiveness Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  3. 3 Pleiadian Karmic Clearing & Forgiveness Galactic Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

  4. 4 Sirian Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Attunement Introduction and Meditation

    Objective: DNA Activation

  5. 5 Sirian Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Attunement Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  6. 6 Sirian Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Attunement Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

  7. 7 Andromedan ESP Attunement Introduction and Meditation

    Objective: Amplifying your ESP Gifts

  8. 8 Andromedan ESP Attunement Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  9. 9 Andromedan ESP Attunement Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

  10. 10 Arcturian Healing Chambers Introduction and Meditation

    Objective: Healing, Purification and Rejuvenation

  11. 11 Arcturian Healing Chambers Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  12. 12 Arcturian Healing Chambers Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

  13. 13 Pleiadian Re-Union of Hearts Introduction and Meditation

    Objective: Deepening into a ReUnion of Hearts

  14. 14 Pleiadian Re-Union of Hearts Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  15. 15 Pleiadian Re-Union of Hearts Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

  16. 16 Sirian I Am Avatar Soul Embodiment Attunement Introduction and Meditation

    Objective: Deepening into Soul Embodiment

  17. 17 Sirian I Am Avatar Soul Embodiment Attunement Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  18. 18 Sirian I Am Avatar Soul Embodiment Attunement Galactic Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

  19. 19 Andromedan Heart's Dreaming and Manifestation Attunement Introduction and Meditation

    Objective: Deepening into your heart's dreaming and passion and abundance templates

  20. 20 Andromedan Heart's Dreaming and Manifestation Attunement Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  21. 21 Andromedan Heart's Dreaming and Manifestation Attunement Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

  22. 22 Arcturian Diamond Light Body Attunement Introduction and Meditation

    Objective: Increasing the Crystalline Diamond Light frequency of your Body and Energy Field

  23. 23 Arcturian Diamond Light Body Attunement Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  24. 24 Arcturian Diamond Light Body Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

  25. 25 Galactic Stargate of the Heart Masterclass One

    Objective: A beautiful Galactic Stargate of the Heart Transmission

  26. 26 Galactic Stargate of the Heart Masterclass Two

    Objective: Diamond Chambers and Diamond Light Body Merkaba Activation

  27. 27 Galactic Stargate Facilitator Masterclass

    Objective: How to successfully promote the Galactic Stargate of the Heart Attunements

Lessons in Galactic Stargate of the Heart Attunements Online Course:

  1. 1 Pleiadian Karmic Clearing & Forgiveness Introduction and Transmission

    Objective: Forgiveness and releasing blame

  2. 2 Pleiadian Karmic Clearing & Forgiveness Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  3. 3 Pleiadian Karmic Clearing & Forgiveness Galactic Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

  4. 4 Sirian Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Attunement Introduction and Transmission

    Objective: DNA Activation

  5. 5 Sirian Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Attunement Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  6. 6 Sirian Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Attunement Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

  7. 7 Andromedan ESP Attunement Introduction and Transmission

    Objective: Amplifying your ESP Gifts

  8. 8 Andromedan ESP Attunement Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  9. 9 Andromedan ESP Attunement Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

  10. 10 Arcturian Healing Chambers Introduction and Transmission

    Objective: Healing, Purification and Rejuvenation

  11. 11 Arcturian Healing Chambers Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  12. 12 Arcturian Healing Chambers Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

  13. 13 Pleiadian Re-Union of Hearts Introduction and Transmission

    Objective: Deepening into a ReUnion of Hearts

  14. 14 Pleiadian Re-Union of Hearts Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  15. 15 Pleiadian Re-Union of Hearts Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

  16. 16 Sirian I Am Avatar Soul Embodiment Attunement Introduction and Transmission

    Objective: Deepening into Soul Embodiment

  17. 17 Sirian I Am Avatar Soul Embodiment Attunement Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  18. 18 Sirian I Am Avatar Soul Embodiment Attunement Galactic Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

  19. 19 Andromedan Heart's Dreaming and Manifestation Attunement Introduction and Transmission

    Objective: Deepening into your heart's dreaming and passion and abundance templates

  20. 20 Andromedan Heart's Dreaming and Manifestation Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  21. 21 Andromedan Heart's Dreaming and Manifestation Attunement Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

  22. 22 Arcturian Diamond Light Body Attunement Introduction and Transmission

    Objective: Increasing the Crystalline Diamond Light frequency of your Body and Energy Field

  23. 23 Arcturian Diamond Light Body Attunement Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  24. 24 Arcturian Diamond Light Body Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

  25. 25 Galactic Stargate of the Heart Masterclass One

    Objective: A beautiful Galactic Stargate of the Heart Transmission

  26. 26 Galactic Stargate of the Heart Masterclass Two

    Objective: Diamond Chambers and Diamond Light Body Merkaba Activation

  27. 27 Galactic Stargate Bonus Items

Lessons in Sirian Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Attunement Mini Course:

  1. 1 Sirian Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Attunement Introduction and Transmission

    Objective: DNA Activation

  2. 2 Sirian Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Attunement Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  3. 3 Sirian Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Attunement Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

Lessons in Andromedan ESP Attunement Mini Course:

  1. 1 Andromedan ESP Attunement Introduction and Transmission

    Objective: Amplifying your ESP Gifts

  2. 2 Andromedan ESP Attunement Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  3. 3 Andromedan ESP Attunement Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

Lessons in Arcturian Healing Chambers Attunement Mini Course:

  1. 1 Arcturian Healing Chambers Introduction and Transmission

    Objective: Healing, Purification and Rejuvenation

  2. 2 Arcturian Healing Chambers Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  3. 3 Arcturian Healing Chambers Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

Lessons in Pleiadian Re-Union of Hearts Attunement Mini Course:

  1. 1 Pleiadian Re-Union of Hearts Introduction and Transmission

    Objective: Deepening into a ReUnion of Hearts

  2. 2 Pleiadian Re-Union of Hearts Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  3. 3 Pleiadian Re-Union of Hearts Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

Lessons in Sirian I Am Avatar Soul Embodiment Attunement Mini Course:

  1. 1 Sirian I Am Avatar Soul Embodiment Attunement Introduction and Transmission

    Objective: Deepening into Soul Embodiment

  2. 2 Sirian I Am Avatar Soul Embodiment Attunement Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  3. 3 Sirian I Am Avatar Soul Embodiment Attunement Galactic Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

Lessons in Andromedan Heart’s Dreaming and Manifestation Attunement Mini Course:

  1. 1 Andromedan Heart's Dreaming and Manifestation Attunement Introduction and Transmission

    Objective: Deepening into your heart's dreaming and passion and abundance templates

  2. 2 Andromedan Heart's Dreaming and Manifestation Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  3. 3 Andromedan Heart's Dreaming and Manifestation Attunement Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

Lessons in Arcturian Diamond Light Body Attunement Mini Course:

  1. 1 Arcturian Diamond Light Body Attunement Introduction and Transmission

    Objective: Increasing the Crystalline Diamond Light frequency of your Body and Energy Field

  2. 2 Arcturian Diamond Light Body Attunement Galactic Crystal Grid

    Objective: Creating your own Galactic Overlighted Home Grid

  3. 3 Arcturian Diamond Light Body Alchemy Elixirs

    Objective: Creating your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

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